10 Essential Gmail Hacks You Must Know
Gmail Tricks

Gmail is a widely used, sophisticated, and user-friendly email platform. It is a powerful tool if you use it the right way. But a lot of people don’t know about all its features.
Here are 10 Gmail hacks you should know :
- Schedule Your Email for a Later Time :
Do you want to send an email at 10:00 pm to make it seem like you’re working late ?
Here’s what you do :
- Click the arrow next to ‘Send’.
- Select ‘Schedule Send’.
- Pick the date and time you want the email to go out.

2. Gmail offline :
- Sign in to your Gmail account.
- Click the gear icon or “Quick Settings”.
- Click “See all settings”.
- Select “Offline” and then “Enable” for more options.

3. Send a confidential email :
Make your email confidential, you can disable features such as copy, print, forward, and download for the recipient. Simply press the ‘lock’ symbol when composing a new email to activate this feature.

4. Cancel an email :
- Click on the Settings icon (located at the top right).
- Go to Settings > General.
- Activate the “cancel sending” option.
- Choose a cancellation time of 30 seconds.

5. Utilize Tags :
Tags are a useful way to organize your emails effectively. Create custom labels for different email categories, such as “Work,” “Personal,” or “Travel.” To add a tag, click on the “Tags” button in the toolbar and select the desired label.

6. Delete Promotional Emails :
- Enter “unsubscribe” into the Gmail search bar.
- Select all emails tagged with “unsubscribe”.
- Click the delete button to remove them all.

7. Create templates :
- Select “Compose”.
- Write the text of your template.
- Click on the three dots menu and then select “Templates”.
- Choose “Save draft as template” and then “Save as new template

8. Archive Important Emails :
- Select the email you want to archive.
- Click the archive icon.
Remember, this will help you stay organized and prevent any unexpected issues.

9. Snooze an Email :
If you have an email that you don’t want to process at the moment, you can snooze it and set a reminder for later.
- Click the clock icon on the right.
- Choose how long you want to snooze the email.
- It will reappear in your tray on the specified date.

10. Gmail Shortcuts :
Use Gmail with keyboard shortcuts.
- Shift + I to mark as read.
- # or Ctrl + Enter to send an email.
- # or Ctrl + K to insert a link.
- C to compose.
- / to search your emails.
- D to compose in a new tab.
- Shift + Ctrl + B to add BCC recipients.